The film is freely inspired by the life of Bernadette Chirac, so the title sequence uses some footage of the first lady, and some old newspapers we entirely recreate, even the Sciences Po student cards.
End Title Sequence
During the whole movie, a gospel chorus sings original songs inspired by the life of Bernadette, and the movie ends with that too, with the credits next to the shot.
Presidential Campaign Sequence
We also did some film graphics sequences, like this one with a carousel of magazines we created.
The "PiÈces jaunes" operation sequence
There is a passage about the “Pièces jaunes” operation invented by Bernadette Chirac, with a graphic transition between the original newspaper and the actual film.
SMS from the car’s visual effect
We did also some SMS visual effects, inspired by the olds Nokia mobile interface.
Creative director Laurent Brett
Art director Laurent Brett
Graphists Syna Bessaa - Tom Petitjean
Film director Léa Domenach
Film production Karé Productions
Distribution Warner Bros. France
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Website designed by Tom Petitjean.