OSS 117 : Rio ne répond plus
Laurent Brett designed and edited 6 split-screen sequences for this Hazanavicius movie. After their first collaboration on OSS 117 : Le Caire nid d’espions, Michel Hazanivicius wanted Laurent to take in charge all the split-screen sequences of his sequel. It was a great pleasure to be involved in the graphical creation of entire sequences (around 8min of the film) in this funny 60' movie in a Pablo Ferro assumed style.
This title sequence is a "light split-screen" to begin the film in comparaison of the other complicated sequences there are inside. The big freedom in french movies is to switch from motion design, to editing or title design, just because a director thinks you are the right guy to do it.
The false Mandarin ident was also created by Laurent Brett, and the chinese text is a bad translation which means “You speak chinese”. Certainly one of the most stupid private joke of the world...
Airport Sequence
Most of the actions were shot with 2 cameras. It was a cool exercise to mix design and storytelling in this 60 mythic look.
Dolores Sequence
More illustrative than the airport sequence. A kind of sexy romantic hallucination.
Beach Sequence
A scene when Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath took some acid with hippies in Brazil, and then the magic goes on...
Pool Sequence
Another split-screen scene in which Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath goes to the pool.
Phone Sequence
The complexity was to edit the sequence with real sync dialogues. Laurent Brett kept this one for the end when he was supposed to do the whole split screen for the film because it made him very anxious.
End title sequence
Creative director Laurent Brett
Editing Laurent Brett
Compositing Laurent Brett
Music Ludovic Bource
Film director Michel Hazanavicius
Film production Mandarin Cinéma - Gaumont - M6 Films
Distribution Gaumont
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